9 ways to increase orders with chatbot
@Trang Thanh

9 ways to increase orders with chatbot

Business has never been an easy game!

Like many e-commerce businesses, you hear that chatbot is very effective and always want to install chatbot on your Facebook Fanpage for better business.

The point is you have a long to- do list… before you have time to set up a chatbot:

  • Send messages to remind your customers about abandoned carts
  • Still have to stay available to chat and sell, answer questions about products for customers
  • Send promotion messages
  • Optimize sales websites
  • And… plenty of things to do

But your revenue are still not increasing!

And what happens if there is an easier way to increase your revenue with chatbot?


We are so far from days that you had to do a-z trying to sell your products yourself. Increase your sales by building a professional sales staff, welcome users when they access to your Facebook Fanpage.

And this is everything you need to know to increase your revenue by using chatbot

First, let’s figure out why we should use chatbot when selling products?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world! Over 1.3 billion active users every month, Messenger becomes the best connection between businesses and their customers.

Messenger also helps you improve your businesses’ revenue with the most amazing ways:

  • Chat and take care of your customers to help them make their buying decisions
  • Avoid abandoned carts
  • Send personalized messages ..
  • Makes customers buy and buy again.
  • Seeking new customers.

The truth is when you apply chatbot to sales - chatbot will provide you with an insight into how to make your store more successful. When you use the shared ways in this article, you will minimize the maximum cost to get new customers as well as re-sell to old customers, the percentage of repeat customers who buys increase.

So what are the benefits of business when using chatbot?

It’s very simple: if apply chatbot in sales - chatbot will create a connection between buyers and sellers by providing great interactive experience.

There are many types of chatbot that support sales, but most have the same functions:

  • Help customers easily find the most suitable product for them without spending too much manipulation.
  • Instruct customers to look through different products while offering the most suitable product based on their interaction with chatbot.
  • Keep track of customers to see if they like your product, and also provide more suitable products to sell or send requests to customers to evaluate your product, from which data to attract new customers.

Many business people are still using chatbot with simple basic features without focusing on optimizing conversations between chatbot and customers.

Ways to grow outstanding revenue thanks to chatbot

1. Promote customers to make a buying decision with DISCOUNT CODE

Do you know the number of people using online coupons will reach 145.3 million by 2021? (*)

Using coupons is a great way to encourage customers to come back to your purchase and whenever you need to buy something - they remember you.

If you're not convinced to start using coupons, here are the statistics that demonstrate the effectiveness:

  • 97% of consumers search for promotions when they shop. (*)
  • 32% of online buyers prefer to receive discount codes on their smartphones. (*)
  • More than 30% of shoppers use their discount codes within 24 hours. (*)

That is why you should put the strategy of using discount codes in conjunction with chatbot. You can combine the construction of discount codes based on membership levels such as members of copper, gold, diamonds, ... each member level will have different discounts.

The combination of chatbot with discount codes helps you gain loyalty from customers, and is very influential in branding and finding new customers.

2. Welcome and bring great experience to new customers

75% of consumers like brands that use personalized messages, giving them a good experience.

Why in their shopping journey, you do not interact in between touch points and after buying? Make them feel very valuable to your business and you are welcoming them enthusiastically.

Your hardest part is welcoming and selling to customers right from the first time. Then the only thing you have to do is make them come back and continue buying and using your product.

In the moment that the relevance and personalization of the conversation between the client and chatbot brings a great experience to the customer, then you send the customer a thank you or a special message to the customer how much do you think they will be happy!!!

3. Navigate customers to chat in inbox through comments

Did you know, there are more than 5 billion comments on Facebook every month? (*)

And those who have commented on the Fanpage sales want to receive feedback within 24 hours. (*)

For all active users on Facebook, if they get a quicker response from your opponent, you have already lost potential customers. Why let them wait 24 hours while you can interact immediately with customers with chatbot.

Start by identifying customer comment situations. You will set up different scenarios for your regular postings or posts on Fanpage.

When someone starts talking to your bot, give them something to convert them into your potential customer. It can be coupons, or a simple test to discover their interests and styles, thereby introducing real related products based on their behavior when interacting with bots.

Then, in order to persist your relationship with these customers over time, you need to continue to interact with them even more, continue with caring content, more personalized instruction, more specific.

4. Start a conversation with quizzes

Quizzes are often very appealing to people, you will build quizzes content that are right for potential customers - they like and interact, share as much as possible.

There have been many research topics on the effectiveness of this psychological factor, some great benefits you will gain:

  • Puzzles, quizzes, challenges or minigames are the most engaging content (*). Because people simply like to be challenged, show and talk about themselves.
  • Customers immediately become your subscriber when they interact.
  • The content is easily personalized when happy customers give you information based on the behavior they interact with the bot.

The great thing is there are lots of content or ways you can build those quizzes. For example, you can ask customers: what do you like to eat when drinking coffee. Or a curious content like below:

And then, don't forget to interact with them based on the specific information they've provided you through the quizzes.

You can consult how to create a simple mini game

5. Upsell và Cross-Sell

A statistic shows that 10-30% of e-commerce revenue comes from upsell and cross-sell to customers. (*)

You will implement the above strategies based on your customers' interests and recommend what they want without having to spend more searching.

Why is that the core element of customer retention? According to Convince And Convert - a company specializing in providing solutions to attract and maintain global customers, said:

"Accessories, additional products, or additions to upsell, cross-sell campaigns are always available in your store, by showing it to customers that have similar but more expensive options. it is easy to convince customers to upgrade to better products or services. ”

In order for products to be sent highly personalized in chatbot on Facebook, you should combine everything you have learned from your customers. From quizzes, dialogues and other interactions such as purchase history, total amount of guests purchased, ...

6. Help customers not to forget the unpaid cart

75.4% is the number of people who have made a purchase but then forgot about it globally!!!

For e-commerce stores, each abandoned shopping cart is an opportunity to sell.

For example, suppose you have 50,000 monthly visitors to the website and each transaction is worth 1 million. Your conversion rate is 1%, which means you have about 500 customers buying monthly. If the conversion rate increases by 0.25% more, you will earn 125 million more per month or 1.5 billion per year.

Now imagine how chatbot will help you automate this process.

A small study shows that if a message sent by Messenger reminds customers that they are missing their shopping cart, they will recover 13% -20% and generate 4 times more revenue than email. These are obviously numbers you should take advantage of.

In general, the abandoned shopping cart reminder message via Messenger has the following advantages:

  • Open rate is higher than email.
  • Clickthrough rate is much higher and clickers will not leave Messenger.
  • Provide customers with a way to communicate personally with your brand. In addition, you will learn why they abandoned the shopping cart and repaired it.
  • Customers always receive - no spam folder or Ads tab like email. The sent chatbot message will go straight to Messenger and the customer will easily see it.

7. Turning  Chatbot into a guide in customers’ shopping journey

Why not turn your chatbot into a guide to help customers easily learn about your products?

Customers don't always know where to go to find the information they need. And this is your chance to talk to them when they need help. And it's also a great way to boost sales that you might lose.

83% of online buyers really need help completing an order (*). Most of them expect help in a few minutes. If they can't get help, then they'll be patient to continue buying from you or going somewhere - often, the latter is more dominant!

They will find your competitors. And it is clear that loyalty to the brand as well as the client's lifetime value (CLV) significantly reduces what you have built for so long.

By providing help instructions (whether explaining product benefits or answering customer questions of interest), you can absolutely give them insight immediately. That will definitely lead to sales - and promote customer loyalty because you actively help them.

8. Selling through Chatbot - Why not?

1-8-800Flowers is the first brand to use Messenger Chatbot - Mark Zuckerbergs has expressed his love for this brand at the F8 conference in 2016.

This is a brand that allows customers to place flowers right in Messenger or talk to support staff if they need it. The president of this brand - Chris McCann said more than 70% of orders are from new customers. And thanks to chatbot, the company's total revenue has increased by 6.3%.

By selling through Chatbot, you can guide buyers of suitable products, improve customer attraction and create a positive experience that customers search from current e-commerce stores.

9. Analyze the content of messages when sending to ensure the highest efficiency

It's easy when you think that just by setting up chatbot it will sell automatically.

If you just stepped into the business via e-commerce, then that's true. But more professional, being a professional entrepreneur, you want to increase sales, increase your subscribers and at the same time increase your conversion rate - so you need to run split tests to improve performance.

You can understand an effectively analyzing different content this way:

Each such customer file will have different personalized messages in the first letter of the Name, gender,... So the effect increases a lot more than you send in bulk to all subscribers you have.

Or you can split 2 content, 1 for male, 1 for female, the effect is also very different. That is the right separation of objects to send messages effectively.

To increase efficiency, try splitting the content sent into different messages. For example, if you have a customer file of 1000 people, write 4 content, each content for 250 people to see which result of the message is the best. You can imagine this way like running A / B testing campaigns.

If you are an e- commerce business, check out the processes that can apply below:

  • The words call to action: for example: what increases traffic and revenue of the website more: Buy now or View details?
  • Price: Words like 50% Discount or Half Discount will be clicked more by customers?
  • Purchase order: even changes in the purchasing process make the conversion rate different.
  • Image: In order to thank the customer, it is recommended to use only the text Thank you or with an image, the conversion rate is higher? Or if using images, animations or still images will affect the conversion rate better.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, doing effective content analysis and evaluation will help you find out what is best for your customers.



Do you have any way to increase orders by using chatbot? Sharing and discussing more with the Harafunnel Community - Group Facebook is the biggest exchange of Marketing Chatbot and applications in Vietnam!

And as you can see, it is clear that chatbot is very helpful for e-commerce businesses. Chatbot is not only a sales person, but also a very useful tool in supporting and bringing your products closer to customers - any business should own a chatbot right away.

Harafunnel can assist you in improving sales, increasing conversion rates and creating good ROI for your business.

If you pay much attention to the cost of building a Facebook Messenger Chatbot, don't worry. Register for a free account using Harafunnel and create a bot today.

Further reference:  5 stages to help build a chatbot

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